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“Entrepreneurs Are Leaders Will Reveal The System To
Create Businesses In Flow,
So You Can Have A Freedom Lifestyle &
Scale Your Business Without Scaling Your Workload”

“Discover How To Attract Flow In Your Life Through Personal Branding, Speaking, Sales, So You Can Attract Clients, Opportunities and Joint Ventures,
Get Booked To Speak Worldwide, Travel The World & Become Well – Known, Reach The Top & Support Others”

Re: Entrepreneurs Are Leaders
From: Harry Sardinas, Lily Patrascu, Joe Guthrie & Mark Bundschu

 Discover How To Scale Your Business Without Scaling Your Workload

How would you like to be able to scale and automate your business so you can create a freedom lifestyle and do more of what you love?

We Support Businesses That Transform The World.

We are Harry Sardinas and Lily Patrascu – the organisers of Entrepreneurs Are Leaders. We empower entrepreneurs to overcome the fear of public speaking, speak more confidently and enhance their image and personal brand so they can attract more business.  We also bring together the world’s best business strategists to give you the best worldwide speaking opportunities, information, support, network and help you get results.

We have partnered up with multimillionaires exponential business growth strategist Joe Guthrie & business flow strategist Mark Bundschu from Your Business In Flow in Ireland to organise this event for entrepreneurs looking to scale their business without scaling their workload and create a freedom lifestyle.

As world leading Exponential Business Growth Strategists and Business Flow Strategists, Joe Guthrie and Mark Bundschu have taken companies from zero to multi million euros whilst reducing their work hours to only 2 hours a week and 25 hours a week respectively, leaving plenty of time for creating work/life balance and enjoying their passions.  They have systemised and automated their businesses so they currently serve 14000 clients per month and 10000 clients per month respectively.

Joe Guthrie’s companies have sold total revenues of 60 million euros so far. Mark Bundschu’s companies have total revenues in excess of 100 million Euro to date.

Joe Guthrie & Mark Bundschu are currently Strategic Advisors for CEOs, Keynote Speakers On Exponential Business Growth, Business Mentors, upcoming authors. They have helped hundreds of CEOs scale, systemise and automate their business so they could have more freedom to achieve their goals and dreams and they can help you too.

They have learnt automation techniques from some of the world’s best trainers including Tony Robbins. They are mentoring, advising and collaborating with some of the world’s most influential people.

Here Is The Problem:

Most people grow their business but GROW their workload also. Others simply don’t know how to scale their business because they are too busy delivering the service themselves. Their businesses are limited by their personal time.

They don’t know how to create systems, standard operating procedures and automations in their business that will free them up from delivering the service or the product and instead creating a real freedom lifestyle business.

They don’t know how to have a business which serves their needs and wants. Instead they are working hard to serve their clients; sometimes so hard they forget about their own health.

What is even worse is that whilst working in the business, sometimes they keep expanding their business and lose track of changes that could impact their business and one day they wake up with nothing, because they didn’t take time to implement changes and adapt to the business environment.

The worst part is the more they expand their business, the less time they have with the family they are trying to help. Even worse, in many cases it leads to broken marriages, work related stress and even work related death.

I Know How You Feel

IF that’s you – perhaps you are expanding heavily but you don’t have the time for anything; or you are not growing as fast as you would like because you have reached a cap in terms of the services you can personally handle, and you simply don’t know how to leverage on other people’s money, time and experience. 

Perhaps you are simply frustrated with your current situation

Regardless of the reason – we know how you feel because we used to feel exactly the same.

When You Think You Are Doing Badly,
Something Even Worse Happens

In fact many years ago, Joe Guthrie was at an event with Tony Robbins called Date With Destiny. For the first time, he came to a realisation despite the money, the wonderful wife, the great children, the great house, he felt empty because what was the point of having money if there was no time to enjoy it? Coming to terms with the fact he had to make a dramatic change was one of the hardest decisions he has ever had to take. With time, he looked at ways to systemise the business and took the hard decisions that had to be taken to free him up from the work and gave him the freedom to enjoy his family. Since then, he has been helping many other entrepreneurs to create a freedom lifestyle, to expand and automate their own business.

I am telling you this not because I want to impress you, but because sometimes something happens in your life which seems to be a big problem at the time but later on SERVES YOU more than you know.

Maybe you are exasperated by uncertainty, maybe you are worried about the impact Brexit is going to have on you. Maybe you are strapped for cash, for time or any other resource you currently deem limited. I want you to know there is always a way for you to have your dream lifestyle, the time freedom, choice freedom you desire IF you have the right mentor.

Perhaps You’d Like To Know Why We Do This?

We love helping other entrepreneurs because there is nothing that fulfills us more than helping thousands of others never have to go through the feeling of being trapped in our business we used to feel years ago, the feeling of loneliness and having nobody to turn to.

You’ve Got To Have The Right Mentor

Come to the event to discover from our guest speakers how to scale, systemise, automate your business, save time and money.

The good news is Joe Guthrie and Mark Bundschu know EXACTLY how to systemise any business in a way that not only it won’t take more of your time, but less.

Imagine cutting your current workload from 80 hours a week to ONLY 10 or 20 hours a week, whilst making more, getting more done more efficiently and effectively, and having the time to REALLY do what YOU want. Or perhaps scaling your business to the size you want, not the size you are forced to have it at because of limited resources.

They have managed to do this and they can show YOU how to do it too. Imagine how much money you could save.

Imagine What Could You Do IF You Automated & Systemised Your Business

Our guest speakers CHOOSE what and who they want to spend time with because they have systemised the business in such a way they are able to have more time to help people like you systemise their own businesses.

If you could cut back from 80 hours a week to 20 hours a week without cutting back on income, would you do it? What could you do with the extra time?

Multiply that by 52 weeks. How many hours could you save? How many days of your life could you use for something you REALLY want to do?

How much would that be worth to you? 

Let’s say you are currently making 40k per month. If you could reduce 90% of your workload and bring in the same revenue, would it be worth spending a 20 hour weekend learning how to do it?

You Are Invited To Our Experiential Entrepreneur Event

We are organising Entrepreneurs Are Leaders preview in Dublin in a luxury venue and YOU are invited.

We organise experiential events for entrepreneurs worldwide.

Who is it for:

This is suitable for you if you are a speaker, and you would like to hook your audience with your message so they want to buy from you; if you want to share your message to the world effectively but you struggle to close enough sales; if you work in sales, network marketing or do regular presentations in your business or workplace, or if you are the CEO of a company or plan to own your own business; this is also suitable for you if you want to differentiate yourself from the rest. If you have some knowledge you can share, you can become a speaker and a leader in your organisation.














Joe Guthrie – Exponential Business Growth Strategist

Joe Guthrie is an exponential business growth strategist. He will share how you too can transform your business leveraging business systems and automation strategies.

Joe has coached business owners in Ireland and abroad to grow their turnover and increase profitability by factors of 50-100% over a 6-12 months’ time-frame.

Joe Guthrie has founded six successful businesses including Gulp which he co-founded and launched in 2002. Gulp achieved €7M annual turnover within three years, was distinguished by its supplier Aquathin as its top global distributor within 24 months of commencement and recognised as the highest performing first year distributorship in the manufacturers 30-year history. This outstanding success led to requests from other European distributors for advice and guidance. Because of his willingness to help other replicate this success, he developed a reputation as an effective coach and mentor to business owners and executive teams.

Prior to Gulp, he worked for 7 years for US multinational Ionics Inc serving initially as European Sales Manager followed by 3 years as General Manager of Irish Operations and finally as Vice President of the US Consumer Division. During his time with the company he successfully launched the consumer water division in Europe, established a base of operations for the company in Ireland growing it from a zero base to €5M in turnover in less than two years. In the US he was charged with maximising the value of a division and supervised a turnaround that saw the company move from a position of dropping 600 customers per month to adding 4000 per month within 4 months of assuming the role.

He has studied with Tony Robbins having completed his Mastery University and Leadership Academy programs where he has studied and mastered the techniques that Tony Robbins himself uses to held and empower participants at his events. Joe now returns regularly to serve in the Leadership team at Robbins events worldwide supporting participants in achieving their outcomes through these programs. He has also studied meditation and mindfulness in India as well as the ancient Hawaiian conflict resolution process of Ho’oponopono.

He has a unique mix of skills, tools and life experience to support individuals and businesses in achieving their outcomes. Joe helps business owners to achieve sustainable growth and profitability while making the business less operationally dependent on the owner.Joe Guthrie has an impressive history as a serial entrepreneur, senior corporate executive, business coach and mentor. He has built successful businesses that can run without him by focusing on processes, systems and developing measurement tools and KPIs that facilitate the effective management of people. Joe is passionate about helping other business owners achieve this outcome so that they can maximise their success and have a balanced and fulfilling life experience.

Mark Bundschu – Entrepreneur and Business Flow Strategist

Mark Bundschu is a business flow strategist and he will share how he created a multi million euro business leveraging time management strategies. Mark helps entrepreneurs to discover how to create a sustainable business while still having time to enjoy life.

Mark has over 30 years of business and IT experience. He has started and operated several businesses, both independent and franchised. He currently owns and operates 6 businesses with annual revenues in excess of 5m and over 50 employees. His expertise in Time Management and Delegation have allowed him to reduce his working week to 25 hours which allows him to pursue new interests as well as having free time for his hobbies and his family of 5 children.

Lily Patrascu

Lily Patrascu is a branding master. She will share how you too can enhance your personal brand and become an author with her hassle free Brand For Speakers program.

Lily Patrascu can help you create stories that transform the world, attract more opportunities and increase your influence through personal branding.

She is the founder of “Brand For Speakers” (We Make You Look Great), co – founder of “Speakers Are Leaders” (Your Voice Can Transform The World), “Entrepreneurs Are Leaders” (Your Business Can Transform The World) and “Millionaire Speakers Network” ( Become A World Class Speaker) – programmes listed alongside world’s best courses that aim to inspire entrepreneurs to attract more business to them and overcome their fear of speaking.

Her books have enabled her to go from nanny to running a 6 figure business, increasing sales, visibility and trust, and getting booked to speak worldwide.

She is mentoring CEOs, property investors, influencers, gold medalists, inspirational people, coaches, speakers and ordinary people to write, publish and brand a book that can be turned into a business model in 60 days. She is particularly proud to have empowered women from different walks of life – some of them with low resources.

She has empowered hotel chains, financial institutions, universities, charities, politicians, employees, entrepreneurs, authors, and young people to enhance their sales.
She has shared the stage with top world class speakers such as marketing expert Armand Morin, and she has empowered more than 10000 people in the UK, Singapore, Peru and Mexico in 2018 alone with her coaching programs to enhance their image and attract more business, share their message with the world and monetise their knowledge at the same time.

The biggest drive for her is helping people realise what is possible. She is the author of “Peak Performance Sales”, “English From Zero To Hero’, co – author of the “Speakers Are Leaders” book and ghostwriter for multiple influencers and coaches in order to empower them to create multiple streams of income. Lily can help you write and publish your book. 

She will share:

  • The Brand For Speakers System™ To Attract A Flow Of Clients, Opportunities and Joint Ventures With Personal Branding
  • The Brand For Speakers System To Write And Publish Your Own Book In 60 Days+ 
  • The Brand For Speakers System™ To Create Expert Power Positioning 

Harry Sardinas

Harry Sardinas is The Ultimate Entertainer & an empowerment, public speaking and leadership coach. He will share how you too can empower yourself to gain more confidence, overcome your fear of speaking and become a confident international speaker.

“Hi, I am Harry Sardinas – the founder of Entrepreneurs Are Leaders, Speakers are Leaders, Millionaire Speakers Network and TopCoach.org.uk. I can empower and help you develop your leadership skills by showing you how to speak more effectively so more people want to do business with you with our international 24 hour LIVE program that was listed in the New Tycoon app among world’s best courses – alongside Gary Vaynerchuck, Dr Demartini and Robert Kiyosaki.

I have trained thousands of Speakers, Entrepreneurs, Authors, Coaches and Young people to overcome their fear of public speaking and become more confident when speaking from the stage, so they can share their message with the world, contribute to society and create wealth at the same time and I can empower you to do the same so you can achieve your full potential, get the best results at work, attract more business to you and create a movement of inspired raving fans for your product.

I am an empowerment, public speaking & leadership coach, an international speaker, an entrepreneur, inspiring leader and author of multiple of books. I was invited to speak about my book on stage at National Achievers Congress, in front of more than 2000 people. Tony Robbins, Eddy the Eagle, JT Foxx, Kevin Green also spoke at that event. I’ve won the Toastmasters international public speaking contest club and area level. I have shared the stage with world class international speakers like Les Brown, Armand Morin and Sean Seah. Learn the skills, strategies and techniques that will transform your life and business. Book your ticket now for Entrepreneurs Are Leaders and I will see you there.”

He will share:

  • The Speakers Are Leaders 3P System™ To Attract Clients By Overcoming Your Fear Of Public Speaking & Speaking Confidently
  • The ROAR System™ to Answer Unexpected Questions Confidently On The Radio, TV or in Meetings
  • The Speakers Are Leaders Storytelling System™ to tell stories that help your clients connect with your business
  • The Perfect Pitch Mastery with the Speakers Are Leaders PIDASA System™
  • The Speakers Are Leaders System To Get Booked To Speak Worldwide, Travel The World & Become Famous

Harry & Lily On Stage

Harry And Lily With Influencers

Tony Robbins – Number 1 Life And Business Coach In The World

Les Brown – World’s Greatest Motivational Speaker Of All Times

JT Foxx – Number 1 Wealth Coach In The World

Marie Diamond – Feng Shui Expert who appeared in The Secret Movie – so far 500 million views

John Gray – Leading Relationship Expert & Best-Selling Author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus which sold 50 million copies

Dr Demartini – Human Behaviour Specialist who appeared in The Secret Movie

Their Workshops Have Been Listed Among The World’s Best Courses


Reviews From Celebrities, Influencers & Top Coaches About Entrepreneurs Are Leaders:

Royal Advisor Chris Imafidon At Entrepreneurs Are Leaders

Stress Mastery Expert Viola Edward at Entrepreneure Are Leaders

Feng Shui Expert & Transformational Leader Marie Diamond featured in the movie “The Secret” at Entrepreneurs Are Leaders

Reviews From  Entrepreneurs Are Leaders Attendees

Vocal Trainer Gerald Lee at Entrepreneurs Are Leaders

Property Developer Sandro Heitor at Entrepreneurs Are Leaders London

Productivity Coach Christian Moser at Entrepreneurs Are Leaders London

Pria Bhica at Entrepreneurs Are Leaders London

Scientist and Life Coach Castin at Entrepreneurs Are Leaders Singapore

Author & Entrepreneur Peter at Entrepreneurs Are Leaders Singapore

Event Details:


Maldron Hotel, 98-107 Pearse Street, Dublin
D02 RK37, Ireland


Everyone attending the event MUST register!

Please allow at least 30 minutes for this process.

Disclaimer: the above results are not typical for everyone, they depend on your ability, if you apply the techniques and many other factors.

Book Now

P.S. Grab your ticket before it’s too late